Hypnosis to Blast Through Your Walls, Topple Your Blocks, and Eliminate feeling “Stuck”! Good Hypnosis

May 1, 2020 0 Comments

Your unconscious mind is the dark realm where your walls, blocks, and “stuck-ness” reside.  This is where we go to dissolve, destroy, and dismantle all that is keeping your dreams from becoming a reality.  Suffer in deep comfort, as we relax into the power of your creative imagination to come up with your new ways …

Destroying Our Enemies, Beyond Calm, and the Amazing Voice of Michael!

April 25, 2020 0 Comments

Ready to do some stomping?  Ready to feel better about those stunning jerks that drive you up a wall?  Michael leads you through some unstoppable hypnosis that will not only make his voice sound like sweet angels, but also help you take control of your mind.  Others led you around on a leash and drove …

More Hypnosis Help if You are Feeling Completely Insane! Deepest Relaxation Hypnosis

April 18, 2020 0 Comments

As the “fun” has worn off and it seems the end is being pushed further away, deeper feelings of stress, anger, anxiety, and insanity are probably popping up!  This recording will help you use exactly where you are at right now to drop into the deepest levels of profound and life changing hypnosis.  Go to …

Frustrated? Angry? Here’s How to Instantly Dissolve it with Hypnosis! Feel Better Right Away!

April 11, 2020 0 Comments

Take a break from the insanity.  Breathe deeply, relax, and enjoy the day…still stuck inside. Practice this work a lot!  Conquering hypnosis is something you can do!  Get yourself ready for all of the benefits of hypnosis (goal setting, wealth building, unstoppable confidence) while conditioning your mind to instantly dissolve daily frustrations.  This is a …

Are You Going Crazy Inside? Are You Bouncing Off the Walls? This Hypnosis Will Help You Right Away!

April 4, 2020 0 Comments

We are all in the same situation.  This hypnosis will help you come up with new ways to experience being inside INSTANTLY!  You can stop bouncing off the walls right now.  You can feel calm here and now.  Michael will teach your unconscious to come up with ways to separate what’s happening with how life …

Podcasts For Uncertain Times

March 30, 2020 0 Comments

Hi everyone! Right now we are living in very precarious and unfortunately, dangerous times. Our lives have been completely flipped over, and we are facing something none of have ever seen before. This pandemic is the great equalizer, it cares nothing about our bank balances, our races, our pasts, our lies, our successes, nothing. Within …